Saturday, 14 April 2007

watching wenty

A bit of a Tooney day today. Helped move my stuff out of the way so that the new person at the House of Bach could have some more room. Then it was just hanging out at the house for while before heading off to football. Sadly it was losses all around for the boys - including a nasty knee dislocation. Not that there is a non nasty knee dislocation.

Monday, 9 April 2007

beautiful day

Today was beach day. Chris and I headed down a bit earlier to Dee Why before being joined by Aleesha, Kate, Leanne, Rob, Alison and James. A pleasant enough day I got a bit too much sun but enjoyed staring at the ocean.

Sunday, 8 April 2007


I love the panorama function on my phone. It takes such awesome photos - like this one :D I dare you to find where it is stitcher together by just looking at it with the naked eye and without zooming in. These guys are the Creative Arts Team members who played on easter sunday night. They are such a tops bunch of girls and guys - and the best part is that I was not doing anything through rehearsal.

Saturday, 7 April 2007

stations of the cross

Went to SmallBoatBigSea today - with Kate, Kaitryn & Neale. I watched The Passion last night and so today was a nice follow on from that. It was good to spend some time just thinking about what Jesus had done.